Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Lanre Found The Love Of His Life In Dupe. All Thanks To Facebook!

    Lanre found the love of his life in Dupe.Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria

    After a rigorous search on Facebook, Lanre found Dupe on a mutual friend’s profile. He sent a friend request and she accepted. Soon enough, their friendship blossomed and now, it’s a lifetime journey for Lanre and Dupe.

    Enjoy their sweet love story and pre-wedding photos.

    Read also: Dolapo And Biodun Are Moving From Being Next Door Neighbours To Starting Their Home Together. Enjoy Their Love Story And Pre-wedding Shoot

    How they met, as shared by Lanre:

    It was a beautiful, hot, summer day in June. I got talking to a mutual friend of ours, Sade. I asked her if she had any friend she could match-make me with but she said ‘No.’

    So, I set out on a mission to find the girl of my dreams. I got myself comfy, flipped open my MacBook and headed straight to Sade’s Facebook profile.

    I scrolled through her Facebook friends till I found my needle in the haystack, my Queen, ‘Dupsy Baby’. I pulled up Dupe’s profile picture and asked Sade those some important, background check questions. It was love at first sight especially when I saw the matching gold tooth in Dupe had. LOL

    I confidently clicked ‘Add as friend.’ Dupe accepted my friend request and we soon exchanged numbers. We spent literally ALL day and night on the phone, talking about everything and nothing, all at the same time.

    I asked Dupe to meet up and after our third date, I walked her to the train station and asked if she would be my girlfriend. She screamed YES and I was so excited. It was official. I went home, got comfy, flipped open my MacBook again, and headed straight to my profile status. ‘Ellz Bits is married to Dupsy Baby.’

    Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 1 Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 2 Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 3 Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria Dupe Lanre Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria

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    Photo credit: Getty

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