Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Men Only: Four Things Not To Do While Planning Your Surprise Proposal

    Women love surprises, that moment their mouth is wide open, gazing at wildly at your well thought fabulous gifts, yes! That moment is everything to them. But what they love more than surprise gifts is a surprise proposal. They want to be floored with over the top proposal that they’d gush over and over again all through the month, while blushing and retelling the tale and its sequels to their various friends, so you definitely do not want to mess that up! Well, here are the four important not to dos while planning a surprise proposal
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    Checking with her Schedule As said earlier, women love surprises, it’s only natural they hate ruined ones. Some know-it-all boyfriend feels because they know their girlfriends in and out, then they know what she’d be doing that particular day they are meant to propose. For this, you are to check her schedule, but not directly, women’s intuitions are second to none, with her friends. Get her closest friend or co-workers and determine her free day. Heaven helps you she’s got errands to run the day you are proposing
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    Avoid Her Big Day Most men think making the day a double celebration moment is quite thoughtful, well wrong! Women wants to revel twice in the moment, not being confused if they should be happy they got promoted or they got proposed to. You have to let her enjoy her big day, so pick another day.
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    Making sure her nails and face are done Flashing those nails and showing off how perfect her nails are when you proposed is also important. As much as women love getting their nails done, they don’t do it often, only on special occasions, and you bet the day she gets proposed to be a special one. To do this, you can take her out for a manicure, while telling her they are simply a way for you to show her how much you love her. Afterwards, make sure her make-up is perfect, even if she’s reluctant, force her!
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    Not getting the perfect Photographer Having a surprise proposal while saving the moment with a phone’s camera is simply a big No! Get a professional photographer who would get her angles right. She needs to look like the most gorgeous woman on earth on the day she gets proposed to. She’s definitely appreciate the perfect picture where she gushed right, smiled right, looked right, and many more rights. You cant capture all those moments yourself, you need help, so get it!
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    Photo Credit: Getty

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