Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Why More People Prefer Sex On The Sofa To The Bedroom

    We talk about ‘moving things to the bedroom’ – but it seems people are getting bored with getting amorous between the sheets.

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    A recent survey designed to discover what we get up to on our sofas caused a few blushes when 63% of respondents admitted to having SEX on their settees.

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    Men are more open about their sexual sofa habits, with 71% of male respondents owning up to their alternative living room activities, compared with around half (57%) of women.

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    The worst culprits are those in the 45-54 age bracket, who were most likely to admit to doing more than a cheeky couch cuddle. Perhaps this is down to ’empty nesters’ letting loose once their kids have left.

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    Are you an empty nester with a great sex life? Or have you been with your partner for a long time and recently found a spark again?

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 4Before you consider crashing on a friend’s sofa, bear in mind that over (77%) of people who live there confessed to having sex on their couch

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    This was closely followed by respondents from Norwich (69%) and residents of Sheffield (68%) who also admitted to getting frisky on the furniture.

    What’s more, 48% of men admitted to often sitting naked on their couches, while 80% of women owned up to crying on their sofa. We can’t help thinking those two stats might be related.

    SexAccording to the survey, aside from crying and having sex, our settees have also seen their fair share of break-ups, with 15% of men and women admitting they either ended their relationships or have been broken up with whilst sitting on their sofas.

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    Sadly, only 7% of respondents had been proposed to on the sofa – but maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

    Tom Obbard, Director at Furniture Choice, said: “The results from the survey confirm that our sofas do actually have a lot of secrets to reveal. It’s interesting to see what us Brits get up to, and certainly might make some people think twice when buying a second hand sofa.”

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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