Saturday, July 27, 2024

    5 Tips To Help You Understand Your Newborn Behaviour

    Your baby is born ready to communicate with you. Your newborn movements may look random, but he will try to tell you what he needs, and reveal his likes and dislikes through his behaviour.

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    Your baby is learning about you too. He is watching your movements and facial expressions and picking up on the tone of voice you use. It is a two-way learning process.

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    Here are some tips to help you know if your newborn wants something:

    Read also: Simple Things You Can Do To Help Your Newborn Baby’s Development

    1. Does He Want To Be Fed?

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    Your baby is likely to make a particular sound or cry when he is hungry, which you will soon learn to identify. He may also suck on his hands, fingers or fists. You may notice your baby turning his head strongly to one side while opening his mouth when he wants a feed.

    2. Does He Want To Sleep?

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    Your newborn will probably fuss or cry when he needs to sleep. He may stare with glazed eyes before drifting off. Other signs to look out for include a lack of interest in playing and not responding to you or what is happening around him.

    3. Is He Bored Or Lonely?

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    If you notice him trying to find things to look at, this may be a sign that he is feeling bored or lonely. He may make some noise as if to call you.

    Read also: What To Do When Babies Are Teething

    4. Is A Wet Or Soiled Nappy Making Him Feel Uncomfortable?

    wet baby KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Your baby may not mind having a wet or soiled nappy, but some babies really don’t like it. If this is the case with your baby, he will probably let you know by crying or being restless. He may also have more subtle ways of telling you, such as grimacing, looking away or losing interest in playing.

    Read also: What Breastfeeding Does To You And To Your Baby

    5. Is He Too Hot Or Too Cold?

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    You can check your baby’s temperature by feeling his tummy or the back of his neck. If it feels too hot or clammy, then he may be too hot. Other signs that he may be too hot include flushed cheeks, damp hair and rapid breathing.

    Don’t feel your baby’s hands or feet to work out if he is warm enough, it is normal for them to feel cool. However, if they feel cold, you could add socks or booties. Babies can lose a lot of heat through their heads, so always put a hat on your baby when going outside in winter. Your baby needs to wear enough clothes to feel warm, but not hot. Dress him in layers, if he becomes too hot, you can remove a layer.

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