Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Infertility: 7 Common Signs in Women

    Infertility is when you cannot get pregnant after having unprotected, regular sex for six months to one year, depending on your age.

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    Infertility doesn’t always mean you are unable to have a child ever. With treatments couples who get help can eventually have a child, either on their own or with medical help.

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    Below are 7 common signs of infertility in women.

    Abnormal periods: Heavy menstrual bleeding, also known as menorrhagia, can be signs of deeper health issues that points to infertility.

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    Irregular periods: The number of days in between each period varies each month. Lack of ovulation or infrequently ovulating commonly causes irregular periods. This is a sign of infertility.

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    Problems with ovulation: Many reasons why a woman may not ovulate (release an egg) regularly. Hormonal imbalances, a past eating disorder, substance abuse, thyroid conditions, severe stress,

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    Most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilised.

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    No periods: If you have irregular periods, or periods suddenly stops. If you don’t have a period at all then it is a clear sign that you are definitely not ovulating and can’t get pregnant. It is a infertility issue.

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    Problems with egg: Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and this often can run out before menopause. Some eggs can also have the wrong number of chromosomes and cannot fertilise or grow.

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    Problems with the uterus: This includes polyps, fibroids, septum or adhesions inside the cavity of the uterus. This can include infertility that’s caused by fibroids, polyps, scar tissue, radiation damage or injuries to the uterus that prevent a pregnancy.

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    Read Also: Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy: 10 Natural Ways To Check Pregnancy At Home

    Painful periods: Female who experience very heavy, painful periods may be showing signs of endometriosis, a condition where tissues usually found in the womb are present elsewhere in the body.

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    Back pain, pelvic pain, and cramping may happen.


    Photo Credit: Getty

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