Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy: 10 Natural Ways To Check Pregnancy At Home

    Becoming a mother is the most precious thing in a woman’s life. But, the path leading to it is uncertain and can be scary. Not knowing for sure can lead to anxiety and can get you worked up.

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    Not everyone has a scientific pregnancy test kits available or do not have the time to go out and buy one. However, there is so many natural ways that you can find that you’re pregnant.

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    Below are 10 natural ways to know you’re pregnant.

    Fatigue (feeling tired): Many women feel extremely tired in early pregnancy. This sign of pregnancy. This happens because of high levels of the hormone progesterone. Fatigue tends to get better in the second trimester.

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    Read Also: Your Pregnancy Checklist; Everything Counts!

    Missed period: The most common and clear sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Once conception has happened, your body produces hormones that stop ovulation and the shedding of the lining of your uterus. This is a natural way to know your pregnant because regular missed period indicates that.

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    Frequent trips to the bathroom: You may notice that you have to urinate more often. This happens because you have more blood than before which makes you desperate to urinate. During pregnancy, your body’s blood supply increases. This is a sign that your pregnant.

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    Soap Pregnancy Test: You can use any type of bathing soap to a soap test. Take a small piece of soap and pour your urine on it. If it forms bubbles, it means you are pregnant and if not, you are not.​

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    Read Also: Your Pregnancy Checklist; Everything Counts!

    Sore (and enlarging) breasts: Your breasts can become tender to the touch during pregnancy and they are much larger and sensitive to touch and your bra feels tighter than normal. Your nipples might also begin to darken .

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    Morning Sickness: Nausea can happen as early as two weeks into a pregnancy or it can start a few months after conception. If you can not keep down food and fluids because of nausea this a natural way knowing you’re pregnant.

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    Cramping: Experiencing cramps that might feel like your period is about to start is a sign of pregnancy. Especially if these cramps are felt mainly on one side of your body.

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    Mood swings: This is a natural way knowing you’re pregnant, as your hormones is changing, you could experience mood swings. This is often normal and can happen throughout your journey.

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    Women in the early stages of pregnancy have a up and down emotions and crying spells.

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    Food cravings, constant hunger: If you are begin to crave certain foods or feel constantly hungry not matter how much you eat then it is a natural way to know you’re pregnant


    Photo Credit: Getty

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