5 Common Symptoms Of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects a high percentage of women of childbearing age, with many women feeling mood changes in the days before menstruation. It is a combination of symptoms that arrive before your period

It has a wide variety of signs and symptoms that almost every woman has experienced but with proper medication and healthy lifestyle changes, women can control mood changes and other emotional difficulties. These symptoms usually arise one to two weeks before you start your period and return at the same time each month, the first thing we must understand is that PMS is completely normal, it is basically your body responding to hormonal changes and these changes can vary from person to person and this explains the wide range of symptoms experienced.

1, Mood Swings and Emotional Changes: The effect of this is always weird but understandable, Some women joke about changing PMS  from pre-menstrual syndrome to period mood swings because most women with PMS often find themselves dealing with mood swings, which can range from feelings of irritability and agitation to episodes of sadness or heightened emotional sensitivity. These emotional shifts come suddenly and intensely and it affects interactions and well-being during the premenstrual period.

2, Breast Tenderness and Swelling: This can come off in two ways; it can either be used as a sexy advantage or an uncomfortable one, It can be sexy because the breasts look fuller and some women feel very sexy that way. On the other hand, breast tenderness makes the breasts may feel sore and sensitive than usual. This discomfort can be distressing for some individuals and especially for those that engage in activities that require jumping or running.

READ ALSO: Why Your Periods Often Upset Your Tummy And Causes Cramps

3, Bloating and Abdominal Discomfort: This can be sad news for those that like to show off their flat tummy because some people can look 3months pregnant. PMS can lead to water retention in the body, which often results in bloating and a feeling of fullness in the abdominal area. The abdomen may appear and feel swollen, and some individuals may notice changes in bowel movements, such as constipation or increased gas.

4, Fatigue and Tiredness: Many women experience increased fatigue and a general sense of low energy during the premenstrual phase. This tiredness can be caused by other PMS symptoms, such as mood swings and bloating, making it challenging to maintain the same level of productivity and engagement as usual.READ ALSO: 7 Effective Tips For Easy Navigation Through Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

5, Food Cravings and Aversions: It can trigger intense food cravings, with some individuals specifically desiring sweet or salty snacks. These cravings are thought to be related to hormonal changes and may lead to changes in appetite, where some people may experience increased hunger, while others may have a reduced interest in food.

It’s Important to recognize that PMS symptoms can vary in severity and duration from person to person. While most individuals experience mild to moderate symptoms, some may encounter more severe manifestations, which could significantly impact their daily life and emotional well-being.The symptoms you notice in your 20s may be different from the ones you experience in your 30s and 40s.

READ ALSO:10 Natural Foods That Help Alleviate Symptoms Of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

If PMS symptoms are interfering with one’s quality of life or causing distress, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider for appropriate evaluation and management. They can offer guidance on lifestyle adjustments, recommend symptom-relief strategies, or suggest medications if necessary to help alleviate the effects of PMS.

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