How To Ensure Healthy Work-Life Balance When You Have A Young Family

As a young parent, you need some strategies to care for your child, work and attend to personal needs.

Balancing work and family can be a struggle. If you are a working parent and you are looking for ways to manage life-work balance, here are some of tips that might help:

  1. Learn To Live With Guilt

Most parents feel guilty when dividing their time, attention, and loyalties between home and work. Accept that you’ll sometimes feel conflicted, and then move on.

Read also: How To Keep Your House Clean And Healthy For Your Baby And Your Young Family

2. Think Creatively About Work Options

Try to negotiate work hours that fit with your whole life. Ideas include part-time, flextime, job sharing and having your partner work less and parent more.

3. Be Efficient And Organized

Spend the last few minutes of your workday preparing for the next morning. Keep only one calendar and coordinate with your spouse — doctor appointments, child’s activities, work obligations. Put clothes out for the next day.

4. Meal Planning

Plan your meals for the week so you know what you are having for dinner each day. Do meal preparation in advance so that’s it easy to come home and cook after work.

5. Housework

Implement a housework schedule. Do it in bits and pieces over a week or just do it all in one go when you have time.

6. Time For Yourself And Family

Make time to enjoy yourself. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed when you’re juggling work and family. Once in a while, go off and enjoy some alone time. Maybe a yoga session or massage to relax. Just do something for you.

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