Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Warning Signs Of Coercive Control In A Relationship To Watch Out For

    In a relationship setting, coercive control can refer to any pattern of oppressive, dominating behaviour that uses harm to steer your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and also makes you feel inferior.

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    While coercive control is often seen through forms of emotional abuse in an intimate relationship, it can also involve the use of physical force.

    Here are warning signs of coercive control in a relationship to watch out for:

    1. Stopping you from seeing friends or family

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    When your partner does certain things like monitoring or blocking calls and emails, telling you where you can or cannot go, and preventing you from seeing your friends or relatives, you feel inferior.

    2. Scaring you

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    Your partner might not physically assault you, but if he is doing enough to frighten you, they are committing an offense.

    3. Threatening to reveal private things about you

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    Repeated threats to reveal personal and private information is a sign of coercive control. It could include revealing details about health or sexual orientation.

    Read also: Communication Red Flags To Work On In Your Relationship

    4. Forcing you to obey their rules

    Coercive control

    If you are being forced to abide by stringent rules set by your partner, it could mean a sign of coercive control.

    5. Insults or humiliation
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    Insults and humiliation can break down your self-esteem. You may begin to believe you cannot function without your partner or deserve their abuse.

    Insults and humiliation can look like the following:

    • making jokes at your expense
    • calling you names
    • regularly making critical comments about your appearance

    6. Sexual coercion

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    Sexual coercion occurs when you feel pressured, manipulated, or tricked into a sexual interaction.

    7. Removing autonomy
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    When someone takes away your freedom of personal choice, it’s a form of control that dismisses your feelings and can make you feel inferior.

    Read also: 6 Ways To Reconnect With Yourself When You Feel Lost In Your Relationship

    8. Financial control

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    When your financial moves are controlled or limited, it can create a situation where you depend on your partner for basic needs. You may also lack access to resources to leave your situation.

    9. Activity monitoring

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    When someone is monitoring what you do throughout the day, it’s a way for them to subtly remind you they’re always around, judging your behaviors.

    10. Threats

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    Threats are declarations of impending consequences intended to create fear. Threats may involve harming things you care about.

    Read also: 10 Great Tips On Flirting With Your Partner To Keep Your Relationship New & Romantic

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