Saturday, July 27, 2024

    5 Simple Bedroom Secrets Women Want Men To Know

    As we try to understand dating and relationships, we’re recognising some of the most important elements of a healthy union.

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    As well as the usual list of things we know are crucial, there are other underlying factors that lead to a happier and more fulfilling relationship, including a thriving sexual balance.

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    Sex is something that some people still feel uncomfortable mentioning, but the truth is that it’s still a vital part of a relationship. If one person feels that their sexual needs aren’t being met, this can cause major problems.

    It’s a need for both men and women, and the fact is that there are some things women would like men to know:

    10 Tips To Heal After A Toxic Relationship KOKOBRIDES12Non-sexual things create more interest: It’s a fact that men and women process sex differently. Most of the time you will find that the man is ready to go whenever and however but for women, it sometimes takes a bit more pampering.

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    That pampering can come in different ways and interestingly, getting her to be more receptive also has a lot to do with non-sexual things. For a woman, something as simple as hand-holding during a movie or even cuddling could get her more interested as compared to jumping right into it all the time.

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 5More complements outside the bedroom build confidence: Women often experience a lot of body confidence issues, especially after major changes like having kids. These problems could spill into your sex life and put a bit of a strain.

    What she might be missing for her to feel more ready is compliments about her looks, and not just when it’s time to have sex.

    This will make her feel genuinely appreciated, which will then get her to feel more excited about initiating and engaging.

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 4Verbal foreplay is important too: Mental stimulation is just as important as physical stimulation for a woman, if not more. You can get her to be more engaged by upping your game when it comes to verbal foreplay.

    Your words will help her be more mentally ready and this is something you can practice more and be good at with time. How, you ask? Engage in some dirty talk.

    Social Media Relationship 6 Reasons Why You Should Post Your Partner 434 kokobrides e1691769632735Letting her lead doesn’t make you less of a man: Most women prefer a guy who knows how to handle his business as a man. This means a man who works hard for his family, a man who gives the family direction and other masculine balances that a man should bring.

    However, in the bedroom, this is where you both get to explore different exciting dynamics. One of them is being open to the idea of her leading.

    This doesn’t mean that you’re less of a man or that you should be okay doing things you’re not comfortable with. It’s just a fun way of bringing more excitement to your sexual bond.

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 7Taking care of yourself is sexy: The pressure to be healthy and keep fit mostly falls on women. But to be honest, more women also appreciate a man who takes care of his body too.

    So, don’t be comfortable letting yourself go because she needs that physical attraction to be maintained as well.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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