Saturday, July 27, 2024

    6 Ways To Know If Your Partner Is Satisfied With Your Performance In The Bedroom

    You might not say it out loud, but you have probably walked that path of wondering if your partner is sexually satisfied.

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 7

    Ever wondered where the question, ‘how was it?’ comes from immediately after the exciting sport; it comes from a place of total concern, or in most cases, doubt!

    Few couples have sat down to have this conversation and find out how things really are. For those who still wonder, have a long way to go.

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    For those aggressive enough, they have sat down with their partner to find out what really excites them and how they can actually come to meet at that point. Well, it is a valid discussion and highly recommended.

    For those who just wallow in doubt and have probably run out of ways to find if their partners are sexually satisfied by them, here is how to know:

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 4Does he brag about you? If something is good, then the saying, ‘give credit where it is due,’ will come in handy.

    If your man consequently whispers to you about how good you are in bed, then consider your sexual relationship healthy.

    If you never talk about it, at all. Then it is time you had the talk with him, at least once.

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    He initiates sex: If your man spontaneously initiates sex, then it is a sign that he is pleased with you sexually. You realize that he knows exactly when you are excited and even when it is inconvenient for you and him.

    The best part is that you will also love it and will barely keep your hands off each other.

    DATING KOKOTV0 1Still romantic: If your sex life is amazing together, you will know by the small gestures. He will want to keep things romantic, buy you your favourite chocolate and surprise you with flowers once in a while.

    When the relationship is going through a ‘dryspell’, everything seems to be on a standstill and nobody is putting effort towards anything.

    He is not cheating: Cheating may be no excuse but it could also be a sign and a gap of something lacking in your relationship.

    Although he may be satisfied and also stray but when everything is good, he wouldn’t even have the time to look sideways.

    He will tell you:
    While men can be cheeky and secretive sometimes, they are innocently honest about their happiness. If he is satisfied with your sex life together, he will tell you.

    This will save you the struggle of finding out whether or not he is satisfied. Just because he hasn’t talked to you about it doesn’t mean he is not satisfied as well.

    He is generally happy: A person who is sexually frustrated will often look depressed and sad. If your partner is happy, then it means he is getting it right with you.

    If he is always eager to spend time with you then you are good. You will also notice he is very touchy with you.

    Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides

    Photo Credit: Getty

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