Sunday, July 7, 2024

    10 Tips For Handling Family In Wedding Planning

    Wedding planning can be very stressful and it impacts everyone involved from the couple to the vendors and the family as well. Over time it is believed that wedding planning stress a lot of couples and also tests their relationship. The family is known to always be a major part of wedding planning because the day is always about them as well and sometimes conflicting interest and drama takes center stage in the planning process.

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    One of the biggest challenges in wedding planning is how to balance everyone’s wishes for the wedding. Finding a balance on how to accommodate some requests, set healthy boundaries. The couple wants their loved ones to feel welcome and comfortable while also maintaining the integrity of their own desires and values.
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    1. Have a detailed conversation with your partner before calling the family
      Have a deep and detailed conversation with your partner about everything around your wedding planning. Sharing your wants, desires, and concerns and making sure you both are on the same page so it makes it difficult for them to influence your decision.
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    2.  Listen to others.
      Your family is highly invested in your big day and they want it to go perfectly. Their request is a way they show they care so acknowledge their request and also promise to consider it so they feel wanted and appreciated. Approach your relatives with a level of flexibility that is collaborative and caring.
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    3. Set boundaries
      One trick that comes with listening to others is that they can influence your decisions and choices. Set boundaries ensuring that they do not take over your special day amd also Map out what is most important to you and your fiancé because your big day is reflective of the two of you.
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    4. Be willing to make compromises
      Your family has certain desires that will make them happy on your big day so there are some of them that you should accommodate. Have a meeting point that balances out for both parties. It is also about your family and friends that have gotten you to this place in life. They are proud of you and feel invested in you.
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    5. Have a clear and concise wedding plan/ vision
      Everyone has a picture of what they desire on their wedding day so draw up your detailed plan covering all areas and share with everyone so the family knows how and where you stand.
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    6. Keep everyone updated
      One of the easiest tips to dealing with family while wedding planning, is to keep everyone informed or in the loop. Give them regular updates and also share some areas they can chip in so they don’t feel left out.
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    7. Make your family and friends feel important by giving them tasks.
      Make out a list of wedding tasks from the planning to the actual date and the post-wedding plans. Share these tasks among your family members and follow up ensuring that everyone knows their roles and are ready to work. keep them busy with lots of tasks on the day.
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    8. Establish a budget and stick to it.
      Decide who’s paying for what before you go on a spending spree. It’s a sticky subject, but an important one: Whoever foots the bill ultimately has the final say on how much is spent. If you want complete control over your wedding, it may be best to pay for it on your own.
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    9. Let others help. Loosen your grip on every little detail and allow others to give you a hand. Not only will this free up time, but some friends and family members will appreciate the opportunity to get involved.
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    10. Take Breaks
      Wedding planning can seem stressful because we don’t take care of ourselves when things get busy. This makes it harder to listen to the 50 different requests from family and friends. The more you take care of yourself, the less overwhelmed you will feel.
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      Photo Credit: Getty

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