Thursday, July 4, 2024

    #Jago21: Thelma and Olayiwola’s Pre-wedding Shoot Is Pure Magic + Love Story

    It takes one heartbreak for the good man to come along and when he does everything feels right, nothing is forced and love feels like magic. Thelma and Olayiwla share their beautiful love story and pre-wedding shoot as they prepare for #Jago21 a match made in heaven.

    Thelma and Olayiwola's Pre-wedding Shoot Is Pure MagicThe bride shared how she met the love of her life when she wasn’t searching after a nasty heartbreak and a charming young man slid into her DM and she replied leading to the easiest and most beautiful phase of her life that gave birth to forever and she can’t wait to seal the deal with him.
    Read also: #khafiztillinfinity- Kafayat And Hafiz’s Pre-Wedding Shoot And Love Story

    Brides Story: 
    “The fact I didn’t envision getting married this year is the most thrilling part of this story. Beginning of 2021, I just got out of a relationship and was still dealing with the whole heartache and trauma that comes with a fresh breakup. I already said I wasn’t going to get into another relationship at least for a period of time. I needed my next relationship to be the final one and I wanted to take my time. I prayed so hard to God to please let the next guy love me just the way I want and have all the things I desire, as I also work on myself to be the best for him.

    Fast forward to March 12th, it was a friend’s birthday and I posted pictures on my Instagram stories. As usual, I got comments from my followers. I rarely visit my DM and even when I do most times I don’t get to reply. I’ve never been a fan of hanging out with people I meet on Instagram so I didn’t pay much attention to most of my messages. 

    But that day for some reason I chose to reply. I noticed a message from this particular guy and it wasn’t his first time complimenting me. Apparently, we were following ourselves on Instagram and i never really noticed him. I replied to his message and we got talking. He invited me for a drink and asked me to choose a location. On the said day i got there 2 hours late cos i wasn’t sure i wanted to go lol. When I saw him there was this smile on his face that melted my heart. He was so excited to see me and I couldn’t help but smile back. That night we stayed out till 12 am and I didn’t even notice😂 we talked about a lot and laughed so much. I hadn’t felt that happy and at peace since my breakup. 

    From that day we talked often, saw often and to be honest i felt so so safe! He gave me the contract of furnishing his house and that brought us even closer. After a few weeks, he started jokingly telling me i would be his wife, i laughed it off and saw it as normal Lagos Yoruba demon talk😅 i felt it was too early for even relationship talk more of marriage. To be honest, one day i sat down to think and i noticed how compatible we are and how happy we have been since we met each other. I also saw that every single thing I asked God for, he ticked it perfectly. I prayed to God and asked him to please direct me and not let me make a mistake. I just didn’t put in much thought again cos I was like abeg this guy hasn’t even asked me to be his girlfriend yet so why should i be thinking deep😂.

    Groom’s Story:
    “We’ve been following each other on IG for a while, Officially met my wife on the 16th of March 2021. It wasn’t love at first sight, just a casual hangout at Orchid Bistro.  From the very first day, we had meaningful conversations, although I was in two (2) other relationships ( don’t judge me) and from the second meeting, I knew she was my last. I’ve been around, globetrotted and I haven’t met anyone so loving, so genuine, so honest, so pure at heart and that’s what I’ve been searching for all my life. It’s never all Rosey , we fight like crazy, we love like crazy but I’d rather do this with her than anyone else till the end of the world. TILL THE END!!!

    Photo Credit: moamberevents

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