Friday, July 5, 2024

    10 Tips To Note When Planning A Family Party

    Getting together with the family is such an exciting experience and we spend quality time creating memories, celebrating bonds, and enjoying a good time. Family parties are a good part of our daily life as it allows everyone to get together and just and with our other family members.

    10 Tips To Note When Planning A Family PartyPlanning a family party is a lot of hard work and even more demanding than planning a regular get-together with your friends. Your family party involves a diverse age group of the older family members and the young ones. It is important that everyone has a good time at the party so it is organized to meet everyone’s needs and create an amazing environment for them.
    Read also: 10 Tips When Planning A Family Vacation

    Here are a few tips to help you plan a lit family party.

    1. Start Planning early
      Planning early helps you cover all ends and address all areas of the event without missing out on important events. You are catering to an endless number of people so you want to make sure that details are properly included. If you are using a planner pick one early and walk through details with them on time.
    2.  Purpose of the family gathering
      The purpose of the family gathering should be clearly defined to help you understand the overall goal of the whole of the event. If it’s a Christmas party, Christmas games, themed pieces will be needed. Easter egg hunt etc.
    3. Create a planning committee 
      Put together a planning committee with every age group involved so they can share ideas with each other. It also takes the stress off one person and shares the burden equally amongst everyone.
    4. Set your budget 
      How much is the family willing to spend on the said event and how much does everyone contribute to offset the bill for this event. With your planning committee, decide if you’ll ask folks to help pitch in to offset the cost of the venue, food, activities, etc.
    5. Create a guest list 
      How many guests are you expecting for the event, who are the plus ones that they would be brought to attend the said event? When you’re making the guest list decisions, remember that large events can be great, but they can also be expensive and time-consuming.
    6. Send out invitations on time
      Send out invites to the family on time so they can all note it down in their calendars and plan ahead for your event. Anyone who is bringing a plus one along will also send a notification to this effect.
    7. Include diverse activities to cater to each age grade
      Family members contain diverse age range from kids, to teenagers, young adults, the elderly, etc. Games and activities at the family party should cater to everyone so they can all have a good time and not feel left out.
    8. Create a planning checklist 
      A planning checklist is important when planning an event as it contains every essential for the event. As you take care of every item on the list tick them off and move on to the next. It allows you to know the areas covered and the ones that need urgent attention.
    9. Make location accessible to everyone
      The location of the event has to be accessible to everyone and also include directions for people who would have difficulty accessing the venue. Have a person familiar with the routes on standby to give directions and answer all necessary questions.
    10. Flexibility 
      Be flexible with the whole process and accommodate new needs, changes that arise during your planning process. Create room for changes and don’t topple your planning process.

    Photo Credit: Getty

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