Saturday, July 6, 2024

    A Memorable Proposal Moment! Joszef Proposed To His Girlfriend Rosy On ‘Nigerian Idol’ Stage

    Rosy and Joszef are two lovers who got engaged on Nigerian Idol stage.

    Rosy and Joszef proposal moment KOKO Brides Nigeria

    During the show, the host IK Osakioduwa called out Joszef to make a performance and he also called out his girlfriend to encourage him to sing a song.

    While on stage, the young man went down on one knee and asked his girlfriend to marry him. She said a sweet YES to him and it was such a beautiful moment to behold.

    Read also: Gospel Singer Peterson Okopi Is Engaged To His Partner Prudent In A Beautiful Proposal

    Enjoy the beautiful moment in the video below:

    Proposal Nigeria Idol KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Trending video of the day;

    Photo credit: Getty

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