Monday, July 8, 2024

    How A WhatsApp Meme Drew Anthony To Onyinye. Enjoy Their Love Story And Pre-wedding Shoots #ForeverToGo23!

    Onyinye and Anthony are classmates turned lovers.

    Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Onyinye never knew she had a secret admirer within the four corners of her classroom until her course rep Anthony made his intentions known. Although she was reluctant at first, she finally made up her mind to go on a lifetime journey with Anthony.

    Read also: From Being Schoolmates, Fola And Seun Are Now Set To Walk Down The Aisle. Enjoy Their Love Story And Beautiful Pre-wedding Photos

    Enjoy the rest of their love story and their pre-wedding shoots.

    Here is their love story as shared by Onyinye:

    In 2017 towards my final year in the University, I jokingly posted a meme of bobby pins on my WhatsApp status saying “If you love me, give me bobby pins” (As I’ve always done hair as a hobby).

    Surprisingly the next day, Anthony (who happened to be my course rep at then) walks up to me handing me something in a bag.. NB; (Before this we had nothing other than a course rep and course mate relationship.)

    I checked what it was only to find out it was Bobby pins. At that moment, I was confused and surprised at the same time trying to understand. Then I remembered the meme which I jokingly put on my WhatsApp status and I was like Whatttt??? Someone unknowingly took that seriously???😃😂 I honestly didn’t understand where he was coming from but I just kept my cool.

    Fast forward to a few days/ weeks later, we had started prepping for our final exams and he would randomly give me his lecture bag to hold for him, and invite me to private class tutorials and reading sessions. I wasn’t sure why, so I always tried to give excuses to avoid going sometimes. Then he started coming to me instead…

    On one occasion after our exams towards our project defense, he finally poured out his heart to me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I actually didn’t even think about it and just said No, because I wasn’t ready to go into a relationship at that point until I was totally done with anything school.

    He really really kept proving to me at every instance that he was for real real, and I mean ALL THE WAY….but for some reason, I just wanted to believe he was up to something because my trust issues had the best of me.

    Finally, he tried to persuade me on one occasion when he told me that even if we were done with school and I wanted out at any point, he wouldn’t hold me back.

    I finally said Yes, only if he wouldn’t pressure me for anything whatsoever that wasn’t in line with my principles and he wholeheartedly agreed.

    We started dating in 2017 just before we left school. He proposed to me a day after Christmas of 2022, and my YES was so loud! This remains the best decision I ever made because it was either going to be him or NO ONE. 🥰

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    Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 1 2Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides NigeriaOnyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides NigeriaOnyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides NigeriaOnyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 1 1Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 1 1Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides NigeriaOnyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 1Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 2Onyinye Anthony Prewedding Shoot KOKO Brides Nigeria 3

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    Photo credit: Getty

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