Friday, July 5, 2024

    How To Deal With Hair Loss In Babies

    The hair of many babies falls out during the first 6 months of life. Hair loss peaks at 3 months old. The mother may also lose some of her hair at this time. The baby’s hair is then replaced by permanent hair.

    Keep in mind that your baby is losing hair as a result of a natural process that’s occurring inside their body, which means that there’s very little you can do to prevent the situation.

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    You can, however, help to minimize it by following these simple suggestions.

    1. Don’t Panic

    Almost 10 times out of 10, your baby’s hair loss will be the result of the normal fluctuations in hormone levels as their body metabolizes your hormones and replaces them with more appropriate, and much gentler, newborn hormones.

    2. Look For Other Symptoms

    One of the biggest indicators that something more serious is happening with your baby is a change in behavior associated with hair loss.

    Is your little one sleeping less for no apparent reason? Are they refusing to eat foods they liked before? Are they acting strange?

    These are not indicators in and of themselves (babies change the way they sleep, eat, and act all the time), but they can alert you to an underlying problem. Some symptoms to keep an eye out for include:

    • Patchy bald spots with red, flaky scales
    • Isolated smooth, round, totally bald areas
    • Swelling of the tongue and around the eyes, coupled with cool, pale skin
    • Increased thirst and urination
    • Sluggishness
    • Jitteriness

    None of these symptoms indicate a life-threatening illness, but it’s important to consult a doctor for further advice if you observe them in your baby.

    Note that hair loss can also be caused by external forces that have nothing to do with your baby’s hormones.

    If you regularly put your baby’s hair in a ponytail (of any size or at any location on their head), the tightness of the ponytail may result in hair loss. Even excessive twirling or hair pulling (by your baby) can cause irregular patches to fall out.

    3. Observe The Way Your Baby Sits And Sleeps

    Another external factor that may contribute to your baby’s hair loss is the way they sit and sleep. When you start to pay attention, you may notice that your baby spends a lot of time in the same position.

    For example, when they sleep, they turn their head to the right to look at the world outside the crib. Then, when they sit in their car seat, they turn their head to the right to look out the window.

    Spending too much time in one position can put pressure on your little one’s skin, creating friction that may cause hair loss. If your baby usually sleeps with their head at one end of the crib, try putting them down with their head at the other end of the crib for a night or two.

    If your baby experiences hair loss from friction, it may last for a while. But once they start sitting up and aren’t rubbing their heads on surfaces as much, their hair should start growing back.

    4. Encourage Tummy Time

    Every young baby should spend time on their tummy. Not only does this give the back of their head a rest and minimize hair loss, but it’s also essential for their overall health and physical development.

    When a baby’s on their tummy, they have to work to lift their head, to turn their neck, to see mom and dad, and to interact with the world.

    You can start practicing tummy time right away after your baby’s born. Until they learn to move their head effectively on their own, keep an eye on your little one while they’re in this position. If they fall asleep, be sure to turn them over onto their back.

    Keep in mind that tummy time should only take place when you can supervise. Never let your baby sleep on their tummy until they can roll themselves all the way over.

    5. Treat Your Baby’s Scalp Gently

    Even though you can’t prevent hair loss altogether, you can minimize the effects by treating your baby’s scalp and hair gently.

    Here are some simple suggestions:

    • Avoid headbands
    • Don’t tie braids or ponytails too tight
    • Comb your baby’s hair with a soft baby brush
    • Only comb hair once every other day
    • Skip styling your baby’s hair
    • Don’t dry their hair with a hairdryer
    • Don’t put a hat or cap on their head if it’s hot outside
    • Avoid hair care products with harsh chemicals

    These tips only apply so long as your little one is losing their hair. After they stop losing their newborn hair and start growing their big-girl or big-boy hair, by all means, let them wear hats and headbands. Wash their hair as necessary and comb it when it gets out of hand.

    These common activities won’t irritate their scalp — or make them lose more hair — once they’ve started the process of regrowth.

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    6. Don’t Wash Your Baby’s Hair Every Day

    One of the best things you can do to minimize the effects of baby hair loss is to avoid washing your baby’s hair every day. Even a gentle washing and the light friction of your hands against their scalp can accelerate the hair loss.

    When you do wash, use a baby-formulated shampoo, and be extra gentle so you don’t stress the scalp and hair follicles even more.

    7. Treat Cradle Cap

    Cradle cap is a common condition that can cause your baby’s hair to fall out. It’s characterized by scaly patches on the scalp. When these patches come off, they can take hair with them. So, if you notice these flakes, be sure to treat their scalp right away to prevent further loss of hair.

    To help clear up your baby’s scalp, wash their hair only with gentle shampoos. Avoid using anything with chemicals that can dry out their skin even more.

    8. Accept Baby Hair Loss As Natural

    Understand that even if you do everything on this list, your baby may still lose some or all of the hair they were born with. Again, don’t panic. The hair will come back with time.

    The best thing you can do is accept your little one’s hair loss as a natural part of growing up.

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    Photo credit: Getty

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