Monday, July 8, 2024

    These 5 Signs Show That Your Vagina Is Unhealthy

    As a lady, it’s proper that while taking care of every part of your body, the private parts should also not be left out.Healthy vagina

    The vagina though a common organ in every female, is different from each others in terms of size, shape, type, and amount of discharge that it releases and taking care of the vagina should be prioritised above all others.

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    To know if your vagina isn’t properly taken care of, here are some signs that might help figure things out and take appropriate actions.

    Itching and Redness
    A vulva or vagina that itches all the time is not a healthy sign. An allergic reaction to soap, body wash, or other personal hygiene items can result in excessive dryness, thus itching. Along with these problems, infections like yeast infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or bacterial vaginosis-a condition in which the usual bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, can also be contributing factors.Healthy Vagina

    Irregular Discharge
    The amount of vaginal discharge differs from woman to woman. A typical discharge is typically clean and milky and doesn’t produce a bad odour. While fluctuations in discharge are common and not a sign of an underlying condition, this can be changed during the time of menstruation, sexual activities, or certain hygiene methods such as douching, could also be a factor.images 1 31

    Burning Sensation
    Experiencing a burning sensation in the vagina is not normal but it is relatively a common complaint of most women. It can occasionally indicate dehydration, but it can also be brought on by diseases like yeast infections, bacterial infections, STIs, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Once in a while experiencing it is okay but it’s unhealthy if it is a daily affair.

    Foul / Unpleasant Smell
    While a vagina is not supposed to smell like roses, they are also not supposed to smell foul or bad. A healthy smell of the vagina is a little funky, and smell can change with the ovulation cycle. So it is nothing to be ashamed of but it is important to pay attention to the changes. images 1 28 1

    Change in the color, odour and amount of vaginal discharge
    Your discharge is normal if it is milky, clear, or off-white in colour. During the menstrual cycle and the time of sexual activity, it may fluctuate slightly. However, if the colour of the discharge is dark yellow, green, brown, or grey, it may be a symptom of a more serious condition.


    It’s good to understand that maintaining good hygiene down there is crucial for your health. Additionally, you can ensure optimum vaginal health by detecting these symptoms early
    READ ALSO: 5 Foods To Eat For A Healthy Vagina

    Keep in mind that if you experience these symptoms and they don’t go away, you should always see a doctor.

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