Monday, July 8, 2024

    10 Ways To Spice Up Your Relationship After Kids


    Having a baby is a huge blessing but also turns your life upside down, whatever circumstances. Most relationship suffers once kids come along.

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    Feel like your relationship needs a bit of a jump-start since Baby came along?

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    Below is 10 Ways To Spice Up Your Relationship After Kids.

    Make A Date Night A Priority: 

    Between work, kids,  friends, and family commitments, it’s far too easy and common to go months without having an actual date with your partner. However, if you want to keep that romance alive and spice things up. Its important to have a date night at least once a week.

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    Date night lets you both to have that strong bond with each other. Allows you to spend quality time without any interruption or distractions. Whether you decide to get intimate, cosy, or just spend time talking, making a date night on a regular and weakly basis is worth it.

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    Spoil Each Other: You don’t need to buy each other gifts just on special occasion such as, Valentine day, Christmas and birthdays. Surprising gifts on random and normal days will sure spice things up with you and your partner. You could surprise them with anything and I guarantee you’ll partner will be more than happy.

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    Make love: Ensuring you make time for regular intimacy is just as essential when it comes to keeping things alive.

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    Intimacy is the glue to a relationship. With kids there isn’t enough time in that. Spice things up and surprise in your partner. Order amazing outfits such as, lingerie’s that will surprise your partner. This is the best way to spice things up and the best ways to stay in love. It creates a stronger relationship connection and bond.

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    Sacrifices: Get out of your comfort zone and do things that you’ll normally would never do. If your partner is an adventurous person who loves camping, cycling or trying new food. Make sure you’ll put enough time and effort to do these things and this will truly spice things in the relationship between you and your partner.

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    Take a class together: Take part in activities together whether its a gym class or a cooking class. Learning a new skill with your partner gives you a heap of new things to talk about as well as a new activity to enjoy together. Bring joy and excitement.

    10 Workouts Couples Can Do To Bond Together KOKOBRIDES 11

    When the brain learns something new, it not only creates new neural pathways.

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    10 Workouts Couples Can Do To Bond Together KOKOBRIDES 8

    Argue less, listen more: It so easy to have arguments and not listening to your partner. It is important for you both to listen to each other by having a conversation and listen actively. This shows that you care and respect them.

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    Hug more: Hugging increases the ‘love hormone’ (oxytocin) levels and reduces the negative effects of stress. Whether it’s kissing, holding hands, hugging, or cuddling, they sure spice up your relationship. Allowing Physical touch in your everyday routine helps it spice it up.

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    Make them feel special: With kids their isn’t much time to make your partner feel special. You would often put kids first but make time for a small gesture like bake a cake where you can decorate, buy them flowers, buy their favourite drinks or give them a massage.

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    Showing you still care will sure spice things up in your relationship and show that your really care about your partner.

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    Dress To Impress: With kids you forget to dress up and go about your everyday routine. You often don’t bother anymore but ensure you dress to impress your partner like when you were dating. Even though it might be a long time; you are still capable of doing it.


    You could change your wardrobe, try a new hairstyle or change your dressing style.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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