Monday, July 8, 2024

    5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence After A Breakup

    Short-term or long-term, breakups are never pretty. Usually when a relationship begins, everything is rosy and nothing else matters, until problems start cropping in, you constantly fight and finally all that’s left as an option is a breakup.


    This hurts more especially if you have spent a good chunk of your life with someone you thought was the one, building your lives together, basically defining who you are around your friends, family and workplace.

    Picking up the pieces after a breakup may seem hard but not impossible, here are some tips on how you can build your confidence after a breakup:

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    Take time to heal: Of course you loved this person, you are not just going to forget about them the moment you close the door behind them.

    It’s going to get ugly, you might weep for days, lose your appetite and sleep, maybe even avoid mutual friends. If it helps, take a leave off work for a few days as you put yourself together.

    DATING KOKOTV01Close that window: After taking some time out to yourself and thinking about your life, relationships and where you stand, it’s time to take the big step.People breakup and makeup every day so if you are absolutely sure your relationship is over, close the window and get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex.

    These may be clothes, photos or even mutual friends especially if they don’t support your decision.

    DATING KOKOTV22 scaledGive yourself a break: Whether or not the breakup was your fault, forgive yourself and find a way to live with it. Either way, life must go on. You can’t change the past but you can make your future different and better.

    If you must see someone, go right ahead and talk about your feelings. Find a channel of letting out all the anger, the betrayal and hurt.

    DATING 102 KOKOTV4 1Surround yourself with positive people: You are bound to get lonely and you will need all the support you can get from friends and family to get through this phase.

    Ensure these people know and understand what you are going through and can deal with your outbursts, rants, unpredictable moods and can hold you when you cry, all at the same time distracting you and taking you out for some fun.

    DATING KOKOTV9Upgrade your look: After a breakup, you might need to upgrade your look from your wardrobe to hair, and even try new things. It is said how you present yourself to the world plays a big role in boosting your confidence.

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    Spring out of your comfort zone and get your groove back, you might need it for when you start mingling again.

    Tip: Do not commit yourself to a new relationship if haven’t completely healed, if you must, at least let them know what they are getting themselves into.

    Photo Credit: Getty

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